Written 23 January, 2010
Louis Volare (Landon) Concert
Last night Sweetie and I went to a wonderful concert on the Scotland Inversnaid sim.
The featured artist was Louis Volare (Louis Landon on Earth).
Here's a Second Life blog about Louis. It will tell you the important information about him.
Louis plays jazz piano and pop piano pieces. His stage manner is wonderful, and his playing is beautiful.
Last night Louis debuted-- world premiere, mind you, not just Second Life premiere-- a number of songs he wrote on his recent trip to Los Angeles. Sweetie and I were awestruck to be among the first people to hear them.
The setting was cozy, full of dark wood and nice people, creating a perfect ambiance for listening.
We teleported in our friend Tozh, who in turn teleported in a friend, and we had a fine time listening to Louis.
The last time we saw Louis (it was our first time to hear him), I bought Seattle Morning, one of his singles, and Sweetie bought one of his albums. His tip jar cleverly will let you do that. We were happy to support his work.

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