Dawn Ride, Taken by Sweetie
Written 31 January, 2010
Horse Fever
Sweetie and I DON'T have horse fever, I assure you. It was my SISTER who had horse fever. We uh, just want to buy horses.
When we were in Tombstone the other day (the good one, not the snooty one), we blundered on a stable and rezzed and rode demo steeds.
They were fun, so we decided that since we have two of everything in Second Life, we should at least have horses.
Last night and this morning we ventured to a half dozen horse farms and tried the demos. By noon today, we had selected our mounts.
Every horse we rode was impressive. Their legs moved when they walked and ran, they made appropriate horsey noises, you could adjust the rider's pose. Some had features others didn't-- they pooped, for instance, or would carry a second rider, or would allow the rider to set camera control. Some just looked more appropriately horselike than others. All were copyable and modifiable, and most makers had large selections of types, sizes, and colors. Want an Arabian? A quarter horse? A draft horse? You're covered.
It was a close call between AKK Horses and those by Virrginia Tombola, but we choose Virrginia's. The primary reason was because she's so very nice. She sold us our sea monster, for example, even though it wasn't really for sale, and responded promptly to my questions about setting it up.
It's hard to point out why (the forbidding signage? The fact that they don't update their products? The less than stellar response I got to my question in IM?), but the folks at AKK didn't seem to us to have customer satisfaction so very much in mind. We were impressed by Virrginia's sounds and animations and by the fact that her horses didn't have creepy eyes. And so Virrginia's horses won. By a nose.
Chey and Sweetie Riding on historical Aquitane Coeur Nord and its fellow French 16th-18th-century sims. The demo horse is at 117, 99, 26.

You can bet Sweetie and I will be seeking out nice places to ride.
Once we shell out the money for our trusty steeds, that is.
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