Written 8 April, 2010
Second Life Domesticity?
Tonight, in my e-mail in-box, I found an ad from Linden Lab: Decorate Your New Linden Home Today!
Check it out!
I cannot believe the ad features a child avatar!
I've made my feelings about child avies known in previous posts (see here and here). I will not discrminate against and and am opposed to those who do, but for most people, myself including, there's a definite creepiness factor.
Considering Linden Lab's previous shying away from controversy, it beats hell out of me why they would release an ad picturing a happy Second Life family with what appears to be a five-year-old child.
And not only a five-year-old child, but one that seems to be sexualized. I mean, those are clearly breasts. (Thanks to Sweetie's eagle eye for spotting that.)

Second Life Domesticity?
Tonight, in my e-mail in-box, I found an ad from Linden Lab: Decorate Your New Linden Home Today!
Check it out!
I cannot believe the ad features a child avatar!
I've made my feelings about child avies known in previous posts (see here and here). I will not discrminate against and and am opposed to those who do, but for most people, myself including, there's a definite creepiness factor.
Considering Linden Lab's previous shying away from controversy, it beats hell out of me why they would release an ad picturing a happy Second Life family with what appears to be a five-year-old child.
And not only a five-year-old child, but one that seems to be sexualized. I mean, those are clearly breasts. (Thanks to Sweetie's eagle eye for spotting that.)