Saturday, December 9, 2006

Why McCall is Gone

Written 9 December, 2006

On Behavior

Part II of III

Why McCall is Gone

I suppose I could have explained to McCall why his behavior was inappropriate, but I didn't see much hope for him. He had been reading so much into our few minutes together that I was worried about that coming to a head. I mean, he had seen my profile; what part of "It ain't gonna happen" didn't he understand?

His lack of sensitivity and common sense on the beach was embarrassing, but I booted him because I didn't think he had the ability to understand his infraction (and also because he didn't stop when I asked him). If he missed my attempts to shush him, he's pretty dense indeed.

Ordinarily I will suffer a fool, but for once, I didn't. I took what for me was a big step and bade him begone. Actually, I didn't even do that. I just banned him from the land and stopped responding to his repeated IMs.

I rather admire McCall for his enthusiasm for SRO hotels. I'm not angry with him; I just didn't see the point of talking to a fencepost.

I suppose I'll unban him sooner or later.


Photo: Chey meditating over the McCall experience in Rome.

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