Often screaming funny, sometimes deadly serious, and occasionally informative, Chey's Second Life Blog features more than 1700 posts and has reached more than 90,000 readers from 170+ countries.
Thank you for visiting my blog.
Since 2006 I've done my best to entertain my readers with descriptions of my adventures in Linden Lab's virtual world Second Life ® (obligatory copyright notice). It's been a load of work, but I've had a lot of fun.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with Second Life, just think about a three-dimensional space the size of Delaware, around which you can walk, drive, or yes, fly, and where you can do and be just about anything you wish, from the ridiculous to the sublime. Think of being able to build objects beyond your wildest imaginings while interacting with smart people from all over the world-- all for free, if you want it that way.
If you'd like to give Second Life a try, go here, download the viewer, and create your avatar. When you're in world, give me a shout.
Please feel free to leave your comments on the blog or IM me if you have any questions you don't want in the comments.