Friday, November 4, 2011

Elysienne's Airship

4 November, 2011

Elysienne's Airship

My friend Elysienne couldn't wait to show me her new airship.

Night before last she rezzed it and we flew all over Whimsy.

It's a serious aircraft. Built by Johnnytreadlightly Nightfire and called the Gilded Gobbler, it weights in at 180 prims, it flies nonphysically.

The texturing is wonderful and the craft is big enough not to trap the camera.

I read Johnnytreadlightly's profile and wound up yesterday morning at his shop. The Gobbler was absurdly cheap, less than a thousand Lindens (Shhh! Don't tell Elysienne!). My plan is to dock it 4000 meters above Whimsy and fill it with games. I've never been satisfied with the game platform above Whimsy anyway.

I got the idea of games because I and Elysienne and some of her friends wound up playing Greedy Greedy the other night.

In Motion

Elysienne's Choice of Outfit Was Unfortunate

Parked Above Whimsy


Ener Hax said...

that's a phenomenal airship! incredibly detailed and beautiful! =)

Anonymous said...

@Ener Hax It sure is! :)

Cheyenne Palisades said...

I stretched the airship by about 20% and now it's a floating palace. I'll post about it this weekend.