This elven horn by Robbie Dingo can be found
in Whimsy's beautiful upper gardens. Go give it a try!
Written 10 January, 2009
Announcing Sunday Morning Machinima
Now I've cleverly figured out how to embed video in my blog, I've made the decision to feature a new short film every Sunday.
Most will be machinima; some will just be videos I found interesting.
This month I'll feature some of the best-known Second Life machinima and machimima makers.
Today I feature four films by Robbie Dingo.
Robbie Dingo is the second life avatar of artist Rob Wright. I'm not certain WHICH Rob Wright; I know only he is in the UK. Perhaps one of my readers will enlighten us. He's known in-world for his musical instruments and for his filmmaking.
Dingo's first film seems to have been this video he made of the making of a guitar for real-life artist Suzanne Vega, who was arguably the first well-known musician to play a concert in world.
Next was his brilliant Watch the World(s), in which he constructed Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night painting while Don Maclean's Vincent played. It was brilliant.
Here's Meteors, a video Dingo made in collaboration with musician Kirstie Hawkshaw
And here's his Better Life:
You can look forward to another machinima post next Sunday-- and perhaps some before then.
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