Saturday, September 25, 2010

Midnight Sail

Written 25 September, 2010

Midnight Sail

Last night, after the concert, after I had picked up my fireworks prims and transferred land ownership back and forth between Leaf Shermer and myself (necessary for the concert), and reset all the radio stations. I flew to the beach platform on Whimsy Kaboom. There I found Sweetie with her Flying Tako rezzed. I hopped in and we had a few minutes of peaceful post-midnight sailing before we retired to the House of 1000 and then to bed in real life.

Well, MOSTLY peaceful. Callie the sea monster did attack us.

1 comment:

Noodle said...

Ahh, yes... midnight sailing or just night sailing... it has a certain special feel. In open waters it is just you and the boat, coffee and cigarettes till dawn. Gotta love it. :-) Noodle