Sunday, December 6, 2009


Written 6 December, 2009


It's 6:30 pm on Sunday, and Sweetie and I are in our respective homes watching, separately and together, part 1 of the wind-up of the USA series Monk.

We're adjusting to being apart in physical space-- and I'm getting adjusted to being home after so many months apart.

I've been coming to terms with my house, too.

I had to wait until 10 am on Saturday to find out why my gas was off. It seems the utility company installed a new meter and left the gas off because I wasn't home to let them in to start the pilot lights. They sent a repairman out, and by 1 pm my hot water heater and furnace were at work.

There was no end of leaves and small branches on my little pickup, and I managed to sweep them off and get it started.

Surprise! There was no "horrible squeaking sound."  Hear that, George?

And surprise! The truck ran on only three cylinders. I was barely able to  limp up the hill to the main road.

Five miles later it started to run sporadically on all cylinders, and ten miles later it was missing only occasionally-- but dying at traffic lights.

I'd already made arrangements to have the truck's charging system checked, so I guess I will now have to pay for an ignition tuneup. Thanks, George.

Thanks also, George, for my washing machine. It's cooked. I found that out today.

Hey, George, if you want to use me as a reference, feel free.

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