Written 15 July, 2007
Cillian's Mystitool
Sweetie and I take great delight in telling people about Mystical Cookie's great gadget, the Mystitool. We love ours and have come to rely on them; in fact, we feel a bit naked without them.
Here's a shot of Sweetie and I with our Italian friend Cillian Dyressen; we're showing him how to use the Find Avatar function.
Cillian's Mystitool
Sweetie and I take great delight in telling people about Mystical Cookie's great gadget, the Mystitool. We love ours and have come to rely on them; in fact, we feel a bit naked without them.
Here's a shot of Sweetie and I with our Italian friend Cillian Dyressen; we're showing him how to use the Find Avatar function.
Uhm, what is that?! Something like an avatar radar? I could use a good avatar radar myself!
Oh, sorry!
The Mystitool is a multipurpose gadget about which I have posted in this blog. It has about one hundred functions, including an avatar radio. In fact, I feel naked when my Mysti falls off and I can't see who is within 96 meters and who is and isn't within chat range!
Cheyenne (btw, you share your name with a terrific artist, Cheyenne Wright (http://www.arcanetimes.com/)), I just went out and got a MystiTool after serendipitiously finding your blog, and therefore your raves about the gadget.
I have a n00b question for you, O Experienced User -- does the LARGE blue menu always have to display in the corner? Not the buttons, they're no problem.
Corgi (2/k/a Melanippe Karas)
Hey, Corgi, going Wright (so to speak) to Cheyenne Wright's website.
Oh, Mystitool newcomer, one can avoid the blue menus of death by learning the keyboard shortcuts. I almost never have my own blue menu of death showing. Learn to type /1 notecard (for the owners' manual), and /help to learn the chat commands.
The Mysti is straightforward to learn, but there are so many functions it takes a while to come to terms with them all. There are still lots of things I can't do or can do only by using the aforesaid B.M.O.D.
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