Friday, January 19, 2018

Accident-Free Since 2018!

Written 19 January, 2018

The right side of the cab of Whimsy's red train has long featured a sign that reads "Est, 2006. Accident-Free Since 20XX.

After we moved to Whimsy in 2008 I updated the sign every year. Every January first, I would change the year. There's a reason for that. The train has a horrible derailment on every trip. We cherish our safety record: zero percent.

I used an old copy of the page layout program Quark XPress, but it stopped working when Windows XP was released-- or rather, it would not work with XP. Since the program is expensive and I had no money to spare, I stopped updating the sign-- and then I took a vacation from Second Life.

This week I bought a perfectly up to date copy of Quark XPress 2017 and updated the horribly out of date sign. Our perfectly imperfect safety record is once again memorialized.

It occurs to me I should make a sign that reads "X Days Since Our Last Accident." The sign would, of course, reset to zero every time someone rode the train.

Yes. I'm going to make that sign.

[My photo, taken early 2007. The train is running its route on our property on the Dreamland sim Forsaken. On board are myself, Sweetie (as a dragon), and our friend Axel. That's the Polynesian goddess Pele in the inset.]

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