Written 22 August, 2009
A Word on Second Life's Transgendered People
Blogger Peter Stindberg has just published a wonderful post about the transgendered people of Second Life.
Peter, who has a number of Second Life friends who are transgendered in real life, calls attention to this message on XStreet:
You are about to be redirected to Xstreet SL Uncensored.
The adult content within this site is intended for ADULTS ONLY (18 years of age or older). If you are not of legal age or do not wish to view materials of a sexually-explicit nature or you are offended by transgender images or topics, then please click CANCEL now.
Peter points out that while there are active communities on Second Life and elsewhere that fetishize and fantasize gender-variant people, the actual transgendered people he knows-- and in fact perhaps the majority of all those who are transgendered-- are rather conservative in their sexual behavior and mores.
Peter is of the opinion-- as am I -- that whoever posted the above paragraph did it without putting much thought into the matter. Still, it unfairly stigmatizes an already stigmatized community, and Linden Lab acted promptly in acting on the Jira and changing the message.