Saturday, May 21, 2011

Let's Party Like It's 2011

Written 21 May, 2011

Let's Party Like It's 2011

I'm not quite sure which time zone Jesus uses, but the prediction of  89-year-old preacher Harold Camping is that the world will end at 6 pm today.

Of course today here is yesterday in some other places and today there is tomorrow here, so let's say we just better be prepared at the top of every hour.

Sweetie had the brilliant idea of having an end of the world party on Whimsy, but IRL my wacky little town is having an end of the world party (5:40 pm, don't be late!) and I think I'll drop by. I do plan to stay logged in while I'm away, though, so if the world does end I'll be in a safe alternate location.

When I get back from my town's brief little get together we may well have a post-end of the world party on Whimsy. IM me if you would like an invitation.

1 comment:

Melissa Yeuxdoux said...

No comments? Uh-oh. You don't suppose? Maybe there will be less lag if the elect are off the grid.